вторник, 4 декабря 2018 г.

Hometask - Grammar


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Публикую выписки из анализа ФИПИ по результатам ЕГЭ 2018: часто задаваемые вопросы, типичные ошибки и т.д.

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Формат задания №2

Формат задания №3
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понедельник, 9 апреля 2018 г.

ОГЭ Grammar

Tim woke up later than usual. It was Sunday and he _________HAVE_________ lots of plans for the day. He was in the bathroom cleaning his _________TOOTH_________ when he heard some unfamiliar voices from the veranda.  “Who could they be?” Tim _________THINK_________. When he came into the room, his mum and two other women ________CHAT__________ happily and didn’t notice him. Tim coughed to attract _________THEY_________ attention. “Oh, Tim, you’re up already!” his mother sounded excited. “Meet my school friends, Linda and Emma.” Linda shook his hand, Emma smiled and said: “We _________BE_________ happy to meet you, Tim.” Your mum showed us your photo, but you are much _________YOUNG_________ there. Join us for tea. I wish we _________CAN_________ talk about our school days for ages, but we have some other business to discuss with your mother. It’s going to be interesting for you, too.” Tim sat at the table. Emma had some papers in her hands but Tim couldn’t read what _________PRINT_________ there –  the letters were too small.

It was about 6pm when I heard a knock on the door. It _________BE_________ Jason, my teenage neighbour. He looked cold and upset. 
“What’s wrong, Jason?”
“I _________LOSE_________ my key and I can’t get into my house.”
“Come in. Today’s not a day for long walks, or long waits,” I looked out the window. It _______SNOW_________ hard and it was windy. The weather was getting ________BAD__________ every hour.
Jason _________TAKE_________ off his coat and boots. His ________FOOT__________ were wet and I gave him a pair of socks to change into. A cup of hot tea and some biscuits soon made the boy feel warm.
“Where are your parents, Jason?”
“I _________NOT/KNOW_________. I can’t call them because of this,” he pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed it to me – the screen _________BREAK_________ and the phone was obviously dead.
Jason focused on the food again. He took his _________FOUR_________ biscuit and said: “I wish my mum could make biscuits like this.”

We arrived at the lake very early. It was cold but in spite of that there were several _______MAN_____ there. Dad pulled our fishing rods out of the rucksack and we joined the others.
“Hey, look what I_______CATCH____!” a man sitting several metres upstream proudly showed us his bag. There was a large fish in it.
“Good job,” Dad _______SAY_____ and everyone became quiet again.
“How long do we have to wait? When will they bite?” I whispered.
“I _____NOT/KNOW______,” Dad whispered back and a moment later he was holding a little, silver fish.
“See?” he turned to me. “But this one is too small. We’d better let it go and wait for the next one.” And he let ______HE______ fish go.
The second fish was _____BIG_______ than the first one and soon Dad caught a few more.
“If it goes on like this, mum ______COOK_______ us a great dinner,” he said.
We kept fishing till noon but I didn’t catch anything ______I_____ and got really bored with it. To me, it _____BE______ a stupid waste of time but I certainly wasn’t going to tell Dad that. He wouldn’t have liked it.

When I came into the room, my computer was on. It worried me since I _____NOT/REMEMBER_____ switching it on. I looked around –  there ______BE_____ nobody in my room and everything was in its usual place.  Suddenly I ______UNDERSTAND_____ –  the book had gone! I had left it on the table but it wasn’t there any more. I checked the window –  it ______CLOSE______. That meant that someone had come into the room through the door. My _____ONE______ impulse was to call the police but I called Jim instead. “What _____HAPPEN_____?” Jim sounded sleepy. I explained that someone _____TAKE_______ the book. “Oh, no!” Jim sounded unhappy. “Have you any idea how valuable it is?” “There’s another thing I _____NOT/CAN_____ understand,” I interrupted Jim. “My computer’s on but I always switch it off before leaving home.” “Ok, stay at home. I’ll be at _____YOU____ place in half an hour,” he said and the phone went dead.


Russia is a large country with great diversity in flora and fauna. There are several large ____NATION_________ parks in Russia. A lot of different animals live there. Wolves are probably the best known, and are very well studied animals, so we have enough ______INFORM________ about their diet and behaviour. The wolf is a good ______HUNT_________. They usually hunt wild animals like deer and hares, but sometimes they can attack sheep, goats, and cows. The wolf tries to avoid people and only goes into villages when he is _______REAL______ hungry. In some ______RUSSIA________ tales, the wolf is often represented as a clever animal that helps the main character, Ivan. The wolf is usually direct and _____CREATE________ and helps Ivan to cope with many difficult problems.

Learning languages is important nowadays. It is interesting and ___USE____. Language skills help people to travel, study, and establish ___PROFESSION____ links with colleagues from other countries.  Some people say that learning languages is easy but others strongly ___AGREE____. They say that learning languages takes a lot of time and they are not happy with their progress anyway. Meanwhile, there are some strategies that can make you a successful language _____LEARN____ and save your time. The first idea is watching films in the original. If the films are ____INTEREST____, learning is just fun, not hard work. Online and live ___COMMUNICATE____ with people in the language you are learning also helps a lot.

I’m not a child but I still like cartoons and animated films. ___RECENT____, I enrolled in an animation course in our university. The ____TEACH_____ of the course explained to us how animated films are made. Basically, animation is just a series of pictures with a character. Each picture is a little ____DIFFER_______. When you show the pictures really fast, it looks like they are moving. Some people say animation is not a serious thing. I strongly ___AGREE_____. Animated films may be ___FUN_____ but clever and useful to learn new skills. I believe they can be used in many spheres, and most importantly of all in ___EDUCATE_____.


среда, 28 февраля 2018 г.

Test preparation, M4

Измените слово грамматически

It was about 6pm when I heard a knock on the door. It _________BE_________ Jason, my teenage neighbour. He looked cold and upset.
“What’s wrong, Jason?”
“I _________LOSE_________ my key and I can’t get into my house.”
“Come in. Today’s not a day for long walks, or long waits,” I looked out the window. It _______SNOW_________ hard and it was windy. The weather was getting ________BAD__________ every hour.
Jason _________TAKE_________ off his coat and boots. His ________FOOT__________ were wet and I gave him a pair of socks to change into. A cup of hot tea and some biscuits soon made the boy feel warm.
“Where are your parents, Jason?”
“I _________NOT/KNOW_________. I can’t call them because of this,” he pulled his phone out of his pocket and showed it to me – the screen _________BREAK_________ and the phone was obviously dead.
Jason focused on the food again. He took his _________FOUR_________ biscuit and said: “I wish my mum could make biscuits like this.”

Подберите однокоренное слово
Piranhas are South American fish. There are lots of scary stories about them. Most people think that piranhas are very _____DANGER____ creatures. However, a ____SCIENCE___ from St Andrews University, Anne Magurran, has recently announced that to call piranhas cruel killers is not fair. They ____USUAL____ eat fish, plants and insects. According to Professor Anne Magurran, piranhas attack people and animals only when they want to defend themselves. However, most travellers strongly __AGREE_____ with this point of view. They recommend keeping away from the water where piranhas live. When the fish attack in groups, it is practically ___POSSIBLE_____ to survive. Whatever your opinion of piranhas, this is a _____USE______ piece of advice one should follow.

Have you heard of a Tadeus Bodnar? He is a ____FAME_____ Hungarian hairdresser. Not long ago he stopped using the _____TRADITION_____ scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum cleaners. Now he is very _____SUCCESS_____ and happy because with his innovative techniques he can express himself better. He cuts hair in his shop in Budapest by chopping it with an axe. Then he styles the hair using a vacuum cleaner, or straightens it with an iron. It’s difficult to believe but the extravagant hairdresser is very popular. Many people find him very _____CREATE____. Every day there’s an ____END____ line of people streaming to his shop. They wish to change their ___APPEAR_____ and have a thrilling, new experience.


четверг, 22 февраля 2018 г.

Public holidays in Russia


Official holidays[edit]

New Year holiday[edit]

In addition to New Year's Day (Новый год Novy god) on 1 January, 2–5 January are public holidays as well,[1][2] called New Year holiday (Новогодние каникулы Novogodniye kanikuly). The holiday includes January 6 and 8, with Christmas being January 7, declared as non-working days by law. Until 2005, only 1 and 2 January were public holidays.[3]

Christmas day[edit]

Main article: Christmas in Russia
Further information: Christmas traditions
Christmas in Russia (Рождество Христово Rozhdestvo Khristovo) is observed, on 7 January, as a public holiday according to the Julian calendar used by the Russian Orthodox Church. The public holiday was re-established in 1991, following the decades of suppression of religion and state atheism of the Soviet Union. Christmas on 25 December is celebrated in Russia by the Roman Catholic and various Protestant churches, but is not a public holiday.

The Defender of the Fatherland Day[edit]

The Defender of the Fatherland Day (День защитника Отечества Den zashchitnika Otechestva) is celebrated on 23 February and is dedicated to veterans and members of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, though it is often colloquially known as Men's Day (День Мужчин, Den' Muzhchin) and commonly treated as a celebration of all men. The holiday was established in 1918.

International Women's Day[edit]

On the eve of World War I campaigning for peace, Russian women observed their first International Women's Day on the last Sunday in February 1913. In 1913 following discussions, International Women's Day was transferred to 8 March and this day has remained the global date for International Women's Day ever since.

The National Flag Day[edit]

The National Flag Day is an official holiday in Russia, established in 1994. It is celebrated on 22 August, the day of the victory over putschists in 1991, but it is not a day-off.

Spring and Labour Day[edit]

In the former Soviet Union, 1 May was International Workers' Day and was celebrated with huge parades in cities like Moscow. Though the celebrations are low-key nowadays, several groups march on that day to protest grievances the workers have.

Victory Day[edit]

May 9, Russia celebrates the victory over Nazi Germany, while remembering those who died in order to achieve it. On 9 May 1945 (by Moscow time) the German military surrendered to the Soviet Union and the Allies of World War II in Berlin (Karlshorst). Victory Day (День Победы Den Pobedy) is by far one of the biggest Russian holidays. It commemorates those who died in World War II and pays tribute to survivors and veterans. Flowers and wreaths are laid on wartime graves and special parties and concerts are organized for veterans. In the evening there is a firework display. A huge ground and air military parade, hosted by the President of the Russian Federation, is annually organized in Moscow on Red Square. Similar ground, air and marine (if it is possible) parades are organized in several other Russian cities (which are Hero Cities or have military district or fleet headquarters primarily).

Russia Day[edit]

Russia Day (День России Den Rossii) is the national day, celebrated on June 12. On this day, in 1990, Russian parliament formally declared Russian sovereignty from the Soviet Union (unlike all other ex-Soviet republics) which declared complete state independence ,[4] Russian independence was less radical, and coexistence of Russian and Soviet state power had a place until the end of 1991[citation needed]). The holiday was officially established in 1992. Initially it was named Day of the Adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation, on 1 February 2002 it was officially renamed to Russia Day (in 1998 Boris Yeltsin offered this name socially). There exists a misconception in Russian society, that this holiday is also called Russia's Independence Day, but it never had such a name in official documents. According to the survey of Levada Center in May 2009, 44% of the respondents named the holiday as Independence Day of Russia.

Unity Day[edit]

Unity Day (День народного единства Den narodnogo edinstva) was first celebrated on November 4, 2005, commemorates the popular uprising led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky which ejected the Polish invaders from Moscow in November 1612, and more generally the end of the Time of Troubles and foreign intervention in Russia. The event was marked by a public holiday which was held in Russia on October 22 (Old Style) from 1649 till 1917. Its name alludes to the idea that all the classes of Russian society willingly united to preserve Russian statehood when its demise seemed inevitable, even though there was neither Tsar nor Patriarch to guide them. Most observers view this as an attempted replacement to counter Communist demonstrations on November 7 holiday, which marked the anniversary of the October Revolution. National Unity Day is also known as Consolidation Day (as an alternative translation), which people in Russia celebrate on November 3 - November 4.

Regional public holidays[edit]

Muslim regions[edit]