пятница, 26 февраля 2016 г.

четверг, 25 февраля 2016 г.

«Different People, Different Habits»

Project 7 «Different People, Different Habits»

Different people have different style of behaviour which depends on personal characteristics and social etiquette [‘etiket] in different countries. First I’ll tell you about social norms of behaviour, and then about personal habits.

1.    Some examples of Social Etiquette in the UK - 5c p.84
Since every country has its own set of dos and don’ts, it’s worthwhile [стоящий] to know what it means to be polite while visiting a foreign country. If you have no idea about social norms of behaviour, you can experience a kind of culture shock while living abroad. I will tell you about some examples of social etiquette in the UK.  … ПРИМЕРЫ

2.      Personal habits. How annoying! – 5a p.80, ex.1
Apart from social etiquette, each person has his or her own habits. Unfortunately, some of them may be annoying. The types of behavior which I dislike most of all are the following: It really annoys me when … . I can’t stand it when … . I also hate it when … .

3.      Complaining and apologising – 5d p.82, WB 5d p.46
It’s very important to know how to complain politely about somebody’s misbehaviour. For instance, if your neighbour plays loud music, you can talk to him like that:
ДИАЛОГ p.82 ex.2 (можно взять пример из рабочей тетради, или сочинить свой)

I’m sure, if you know social etiquette and have polite personal habits, your life will be easier. As for me, I always try to behave politely. (можно придумать свое заключение)

четверг, 4 февраля 2016 г.

Personal Problems

 Personal Problems


Usually teenagers are lively people, but, unfortunately, we can’t say that our life is bright all the time. Sometimes we may have problems or get into difficult situations. I’ll tell you about some of them and try to suggest some solutions.
1.    Examples of people who have problems. Your suggestion what to do. SB: p.72, ex.1, 4

Sandra needs money. I think she could get a part-time job.
Fred’s parents are too strict and they are always arguing. Why doesn’t he talk it through (обсудить подробно) and make compromises.
2.    An example of your/your friend’s problem. How did you/tour friend cope with it? SB: p.72, ex.3 (берем из аудирования)
3.    Exam Stress – SB p.73 учим эссе
One of difficult situations which many teenagers may encounter is exam stress. I’ll try to tell you how it is possible to deal with it.


Текст аудирования с72 №3

вторник, 2 февраля 2016 г.


То, что мы делали на уроке + д/з:

SB p.70-71 ex.1-7,
WB p.38 ex.1-4


понедельник, 1 февраля 2016 г.

д/з от 1.02 + ответы

Excellent work for Matvey, Ilona, Sonya! You've done your best!

SB p.67 ex.1-4 ,
WB p.36 ex 3-4 ;
НАИЗУСТЬ WB p.36 ex.5 (если затрудняетесь составить свой ХОРОШИЙ диалог, можно выучить SB p.67 ex.2b или WB p.36 ex.4)
