пятница, 20 марта 2015 г.

Shopping: Nowadays and Before

Shopping nowadays
Shopping before
Big supermarkets
Small shops
Prices are different in different shops.
Prices in all shops of the whole country were the same. (were fixed).
We can pay in cash or by a credit card.
They paid only in cash. There were no credit cards.
Many shops have their names.
Most of the shops didn’t have special names.
1.    Food is packed in plastic bags.
2.    Packing can be made by customers themselves.
1.    Food was wrapped in paper.
2.    Only workers of the shop could do it.
Calculators are used for counting.
Counting frames were used for counting.

вторник, 17 марта 2015 г.

Shopping for Food

This project is about shopping in the past and about the students' shopping expeditions.

среда, 11 марта 2015 г.

Shopping for Food

Shopping for food
Nowadays most people do their shopping at the supermarkets. However, some time ago there used to be few supermarkets, and customers used to buy their food in small shops. First I will tell you a story about the past, then – about my own shopping expedition.
Well, a story of a woman at the butcher’s shop. One day Mary took her shopping list and went to the butcher’s. She said: “Hello! Two pounds of sausages, please, and some best pork.” The butcher cut off some sausages and wrapped them first in white and then in brown paper. Then he said: “And I have a very nice piece of pork here. Have a look.”
“That looks very good. How much is it?”
“Well, four pounds. So, that comes to eight pounds with the sausages. Is that all right?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Anything else?” the butcher said hopefully.
“Not today. Thank you very much.”
The man tied up the parcel and gave it to Mary.
 [можно вставить еще, чтобы было слово “change”]

This is what shopping was like before. Now I will tell you what shopping is like in my family. My mother, father and I usually go to supermarket [NAME]. First, we visit greengrocer’s department where we usually choose a kilo of red apples, half a kilo of fresh tomatoes, a small container of green vegetables, etc. Then we walk to the dairy department and take a bottle of milk, a carton of sour cream, four or six cartons of yoghurt, a piece of cheese and … . After that we go to … . Finally, we visit … .
After we have chosen everything what we need, we pay for the food and go home.


среда, 4 марта 2015 г.

Shopping - Learn the Words

Shopping 1  (названия магазинов, упаковки)
Shopping 2   (к тексту "At the Butcher's") 

понедельник, 2 марта 2015 г.

Word Formation -able, -ness; -ful / -less, -ly, -al

суффиксы -able, -ness

    V + -able = Adj    (respect - respectable)
 Adj + -ness = N       (polite - politeness)

 суффиксы -full/-less, -ly, al

    N + -full / -less = Adj           (use - useful - useless)
 Adj + -ly = Adv (наречие)       (polite - politely)
    N + -al = Adj                       (use - useful - useless)

Nouns in Singular

Существительные, имеющие только форму ед.ч.


  • Перед ними нельзя поставить артикль a/an.
  • Они заменяются местоимением "it".
  • Глагол спрягается в ед.ч.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2

воскресенье, 1 марта 2015 г.

Подготовка к контрольной работе

Дорогие ученики! Как всегда стараюсь, чтобы вы написали работу хорошо. Буду постепенно собирать в этом сообщении упражнения для подготовки. Часть упражнений вы уже выполняли, а часть - сделаю новые.

Косвенная речь
Exercise 1
Ответы к "Exercise 1" 

Exercise 2
Ответы к "Exercise 2" 

Exercise 3
Ответы к "Exercise 3"


Условные предложения
Условные предложения (if / when)

Местоимения (там появилось новое упражнение)

Существительные имеющие только форму ед.ч.
Nouns in singular 

Word Formation 

Карточки для заучивания слов
Health 1
Health 2
Health 3
Sports (International Words)
Sports 3
Shopping 1
Shopping 2 

Еще будет задание "Прочитайте предложение. Догадайтесь, какое слово пропущено, и впишите его."  
Vocabulary - Health 1 
Vocabulary - Health 2 
Vocabulary - Health 3 
Vocabulary - Sports 1 
Vocabulary - Sports 2 
Vocabulary - Shops, Containers