воскресенье, 15 декабря 2013 г.

Подготовка к контрольной работе

Эти материалы войдут в состав контрольной работы за 2 четверть. 
У вас есть возможность хорошо подготовиться.

четверг, 12 декабря 2013 г.

Some, any, much, many, a few, a little

Here are some interactive tasks to help you learn the grammar.

Task 1 - some, any, much, many, a few, a little 
Task 2 - some, any, much, many, a few, a little

Countable and uncountable nouns

Task 3
Task 4

Topic "My Hobbies"

Here is an example of what you can tell about your hobbies.

Первый абзац - у всех одинаковый.
Дальше - каждый составляет рассказ о своих увлечениях.
(Продолжительность рассказа - 2-2,5 минуты)

 My Hobbies

     People often have some interesting things to do in their free time -  the hobbies. There are many different kinds of hobbies which are popular with teenagers. Some boys and girls enjoy doing creative activities like dancing, singing, drawing or even making cartoons and writing stories. Many are fond of sports: football, tennis, skating, skiing, swimming …. . Some other popular hobbies are reading, going to the theatre or to the cinema, watching television and, of course, playing computer games and listening to music.  There are children who are proud of their collections of stamps, coins, model cars or planes. They have wonderful thematic collections which help them to learn about different countries, nature and history.

       I would like to tell you about my hobby (hobbies). I am interested in collecting magnets, going to the cinema and dancing (figure skating, swimming, singing, drama …). I have a special collection of magnets which I buy while travelling in different countries and cities. I have already had magnets from Germany – Berlin, Hamburg …; Italy – Rome, Venice; Spain, Croatia, Cyprus. These fantastic pictures help me to remember the places which I have visited.

        I am good at dancing and go to rock-and-roll dancing сlasses 3 times a week. I have already taken part in competitions and did really well. I like dancing because it is very beautiful to perform in front of the public. Besides, sport exercises make me strong and fit.

     When I have free time in the evening or at the weekend I prefer to go to the cinema or to watch television. My favourite types of films are cartoons/ musicals/ detective films/ westerns/ action films/ romantic films/ comedies/ science fiction films. I don’t like to watch horror films …. . The best film which I have ever seen is …… . The worst film is ….. .

     I am really crazy about playing computer games. I play them whenever I have time and my parents let me. My favourite game is …. . It is about …… . In this game I have to build a city/ build houses, roads and parks/ fight with space forces/ … . I have already passed 10 levels.

      There are many interesting things to do, and I wish I had more free time for different hobbies.

вторник, 10 декабря 2013 г.

понедельник, 2 декабря 2013 г.

Hobby Words 1

Here are exercises to learn the words.

Hobby 1  (p.51-52)
Hobby 1a  
Hobby 1b 
Hobby 2 (p.60-61) 
Hobby 3 (p.62-68)

Уважаемые ученики! Если вы заметите опечатку, скажите, пожалуйста, об этом.

четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.

Personal Letter: Travelling

Here is Ann's letter. You have to write a letter to her and answer all her questions. Write 100-120 words.

(Критерии оценивания личного письма можно посмотреть здесь.)

34 Green Street, flat 4
22nd  September 2013
               Dear Becky,
               Thank you for your letter! It was very interesting to learn about your birthday party.
             My news - we’ve just come back from our trip to Brighton. It was great! I want to tell you some words about it. We went to Brighton with our teacher. The journey was not very long: it took us only one and half hours to get there by train. We had 2 wonderful days on the beach. My friends and I swam in the sea and had a lot of fun. You see, I did some diving and saw a crab! Fantastic! We took a lot of pictures. I will show them to you later.
Have you ever gone somewhere on holidays? Write me something about one of your trips. Where were you? Did you go there by train, by plane, by bus or by car? How long did it take you to get there?. Did you stay in a hotel? What did you do there?
Sorry, I have to go now - mum needs some help with cooking.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Transport Games 2

I have found some more exciting games about transport. I'm sure, you'll like them.

среда, 27 ноября 2013 г.

понедельник, 25 ноября 2013 г.

Project "I like to travel"



This project is about the ways people travel.Besides, students tell us about one of their trips.

вторник, 19 ноября 2013 г.

Topic "I like to travel"

 I like to travel
SB: part 2, p.3-49

         Many people like to travel. We can travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus or by car. If you miss a bus, you have to take a taxi. Some people prefer to walk or to ride a bike.
         If you want to travel by train, you have to go to the railway station and buy tickets. This is how you can do it:

ДИАЛОГ С.24-25, №13

{ * Этот абзац, если остается время.  I like to fly buy plane. It is very fast and comfortable, however, plane tickets are really expensive. Anyway, I enjoy flying in the blue sky, over the plains and the seas. I have flown by plane …… times. I have been to …… .  *}

         I want to tell you about my trip to [место] …… .


1.     When did you go there?
2.     Did you leave Saint Petersburg for [место] by train, by plane, by car , etc.?
3.     Did you have much luggage?
4.     How long did it take you to get to [место]?
5.     Did you have to change anywhere?
6.     Was your journey nice? (полет или поездка на поезде)
7.     When did you arrive in/at [место]?
8.     Did you stay in a hotel?
9.     Did you like your trip? (отпуск в целом)
10.                       Where would you like to go next time?

Transportation Games

  Play games and learn about transport

Game 1 - A crocodile board game.
Game 2 - A pirate board game.
Game 3 - A moonshot game.
Game 4 - A memory game (listen and find the pairs).

Travelling and Transport Vocabulary

  Do the exercises and learn the words
Task 1 - SB p.7-8    
Task 2  - SB p.14    
Task 3 - SB p.22-25
Task 4 - SB p.31-33
Task 5 -  SB p.38-43

вторник, 12 ноября 2013 г.

MUST and HAVE TO - правило

Have to

Мне нужно, мне приходится это делать в силу сложившихся обстоятельств.
Tomorrow is Sunday. Tonight I don’t have to go to bed early.
Завтра воскресенье. Сегодня мне не нужно ложиться рано.


I have to get up early.
I don't have to get up early.
Do you have to go to bed early? --- Yes, I do./ No, I don't.


  1.           По закону или правилам внутреннего распорядка.

           I must cross the street at a green light.
           I mustn’t run at school.

2.      Я сам так считаю.

I must learn irregular verbs.

3.      Говорят люди, которые имеют право указывать.

You must wash the dishes.

4.      Может случиться беда или вред здоровью.

The ice is very thin. You mustn’t walk on the ice.